Kansas Periodical Index
All fields mode  |  Boolean operators  |  Browse mode  |  Citation  |  Operators  |  Search Screen  |  Searching  |  Truncation

Search Screen
Two modes of searching are available: Browse mode and All Fields mode (Anyword). Browse mode cannot be limited by date or source. Terms may be entered in either upper or lower case.

Anyword mode (All Fields)
This mode allows retrieval of citations using any word or combination of words in the database. Note that words of fewer than three characters are not indexed. Dates and numbers (1946, 234, etc.) are indexed. Operators are used to combine words using Boolean logic. The operator AND is assumed. For example, these two searches will produce the same results: cattle stockyards and cattle AND stockyards.

Limiting by source and/or year

If you have entered a search term or terms in the the first dialogue box, you can optionally select a periodical title and/or a year of publication to limit search results.

Limiting by issue date

Keyword searching extends to the major fields, including the note field and the periodical issue date. The bound volume shows format for date fields. For example, putting the following in the keyword dialogue box and limiting by the title of a periodical (Oklahoma Today, here) will bring up entries limited to a particular issue of the journal: Wildlife AND 1993

Browse mode
Browse mode presents an alphabetically arranged list of titles, authors, or subjects. Clicking on a list item displays either a titles list or a citation, depending on the number of hits (title occcurances) attached. To search by Title in Browse mode, type the first few words of the title of an article or book. Initial articles (a, an, the) are ignored. To find records by Subject, use a heading such as airshows or telecommunications. To search for items by Author, enter a name in any of the following formats: J. P. Bailey or Bailey, J. P. or Bailey.

A successful search returns (in Browse mode) a list titles, names or subjects. In All Fields mode a successful search returns a list of titles. In either case you can display the associated citation by clicking on the title, name or subject.

The operators AND, OR AND NOT can (optionally) be used to define complex queries during All Fields mode searches. Examples: Recreation tourism retrieves only citations with both elements. Recreation AND tourism as above, retrieves only citations with both elements. Recreation NOT tourism retrieves all entries except those with the term tourism in fields searched. Recreation OR tourism retrieves all entries containing either of the terms. Recreation tourism NOT review AND's the first two terms and then excludes book and media review citations.

The All Fields truncation symbol (*) is used as follows: house* will retrieve household, houses, housework, etc.